pkg audit

  1. Jim L.

    pkg(8): "An error occured while fetching package: No error"

    Is this another growing pain of the new pkg program? I can live with it for now, just wondering if anyone else has seen this. I'm not getting any hits from Google on that error message. As the testing shows, the error is intermittent, with no pattern identified as yet. jimsdesk : 06:18:23...
  2. Sparkee

    Solved FreeBSD update, pkg audit server

    Do we have a list with all/some IP's where a FreeBSD server needs to connect while using pkg audit and freebsd-update? Is there a way to get notified if they change? I need them for a firewall ACL
  3. quamenzullo

    Solved Package found vulnerable in a jail, but not on the host

    Hi! How is it possible to have the same package, same version, same OS to be found vulnerable in a jail but not on the host? Inside a fresh pkg upgraded jail: root@web1:~ # pkg audit curl-7.82.0_1 is vulnerable: cURL -- Multiple vulnerabilities ... 1 problem(s) in 1 installed package(s)...
  4. simplerezo

    pkg audit / vuln.xml / no more updates for base system and kernel ??

    Hi ! I'm using pkg audit to get report about current "vulnerabilities" for ports and also for FreeBSD base/kernel using that special syntax: pkg audit FreeBSD-11.2_2 && pkg audit FreeBSD-kernel-11.2_2 But it looks like vuln.xml is not anymore updated about FreeBSD SA since 12.0p3/11.2p9 ...
  5. patpro

    Daily security scripts: best practice for jails?

    Hello, I'm running a FreeBSD 10.1 RELEASE host with 13 web server jails. Periodic scripts run fine, but they can run for a very long time before returning a result, especially the daily security script: Checking for packages with security vulnerabilities: Host system: Database fetched: Wed...