
  1. degauss4

    Wake-on-LAN not working on "igc" driver - NIC Intel I226-V

    Hello everyone I have a FreeBSD server that has "igc" interfaces, and in theory they are capable of using WOL. When using tcpdump -i <if> -x port 9 when the server is powered on I see the magic packets arrive. I've checked everything BIOS related to WOL, and when the machine is powered off, the...
  2. elgrande

    Solved Patching igc driver to support Killer E3100G

    Hi, I am trying to make the igc driver (/usr/src/sys/dev/igc) to also support Killer Ethernet E3100G (which is an Intel I225-V chip which is supported by the driver). This is the status: 1. The device seems to be detected with wrong vendor and device name. dmesg says: none6@pci0:108:0:0...