
  1. Mitchell Bridges

    Other I cant automount exfat or other file systems on i3

    I was able to mount fat32, and find its contents. But every other type of drive does not work. I tried automount and it never worked for anything but fat32. It works on KDE, but not i3
  2. andersbo87

    Other dsbmd and mount.exfat-fuse fails with unknown option user

    Hello, everyone! For quite a while now, I've had a problem mounting a USB exFAT partition via sysutils/dsbmd as a normal user. Whenever I type in dsbmc-cli -m /dev/da1p3, exectution of dsbmc-cli simply freezes, and while pressing ctrl+c gets me back to the shell, the mount process is still...
  3. Y

    Other Can't use FUSE mounts

    Hi, I can mount the card successfully, but when I ls it, it fails. The card reads fine on another machine, and I could properly mount it a few months ago on FreeBSD 11.2. Here's the terminal log: # uname -a FreeBSD orthanc 12.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC amd64 # dmesg ...
  4. S

    Mounting exfat and ntfs-3 filesystems with fstab

    This is useful for microsd cards and other media that uses Windows filesystems. Type gpart show /dev/da0 to see if the filesystem is based on exfat or ntfs. exfat can show up as an ntfs-3 filesystem, because they are referred to by the same partition code of 0x07. For exfat, install...
  5. iqckaro

    UFS Cannot mount exFat usb stick

    [sorry I'm not a native English speaker] Hi, I'm very new in Unix like systems, I had before a Arch Linux but I decide to install FreeBSD in my computer. All things cool but I cannot mount a USB stick formating in exFat. I searched all over the internet, I read the documentation and many...