Xfce how to list all the partitions on desktop and thunar's side panel ? e.g. linux 's partitions ?

in xfce, it auto list windows's partitions ntfs's icons on desktop and thunar's side panel.

how to list all the partitions on desktop and side panel ? e.g. linux 's partitions ?

and it's better to hide 'efi partitions'.

with "lklfuse -o type=btrfs /dev/ada0p6 /mnt"

i can use xfce terminal with "sudo ls /mnt" to list files in "/mnt". but it list nothing in "/mnt" with "sudo thunar".

how to do?

FreeBSD bugs:
That's not a proper answer to your question, however parts of those bug reports might help to explain why you can not (yet) achieve something.

… list files in "/mnt". …

Can you give us an example listing? I guess, whilst something is mounted there using FUSE.

ls -hl /mnt
Ah, found through Reddit, relating to Thunar:

creatxr maybe continue in the August topic. Thanks (and welcome to FreeBSD Forums).
$ sudo lklfuse -o type=btrfs /dev/ada0p8 /mnt
$ ls /mnt
ls: /mnt: Operation not permitted
$ sudo ls /mnt
.Trash-1000 VMs
CREATXR-UTILs android-studio

sudo thunar

and navigate to /mnt , it shows nothing.

FreeBSD bugs:
That's not a proper answer to your question, however parts of those bug reports might help to explain why you can not (yet) achieve something.

Can you give us an example listing? I guess, whilst something is mounted there using FUSE.

ls -hl /mnt
in the side panel, it has only ntfs icons. if click the icons, the ntfs partition will be mounted, but it shows other icon (what's this problem?).

i wish that it could also shows linux partition there. thanks.

i've to umount by command line, otherwise it will cause high cpu occupy. someone told me that's a bug.


  • thunar_mount.png
    84.9 KB · Views: 121
Does the earlier topic make sense to you?
yes, someone also has the same problem, it shows nothing in thunar. it may a bug. let's to wait.

but now , i want to know how to list the linux's partitions (btfs etc.) on desktop and side panel ?

e.g. i choose the partitions that i want to show. i only found some topics to hide partitions by setting rules.

and why the mounted partition has other mounted icon not the original partition icon? how to config?

As far as I remember Xfce's file manager, Thunar lists all drives that are a) mountable by GVfs as your user, or b) mountable as your user via a fstab entry (and c) by optional installed and actived plugins); But if your user needs something like sudo it won't be listed (afair - where should the info come from that there's something mountable…).

To me it seems you want access to a internal drive, so I would check if an entry in /etc/fstab, which allows your user to mount the drive solves your problem.
As far as I remember Xfce's file manager, Thunar lists all drives that are a) mountable by GVfs as your user, or b) mountable as your user via a fstab entry (and c) by optional installed and actived plugins); But if your user needs something like sudo it won't be listed (afair - where should the info come from that there's something mountable…).

To me it seems you want access to a internal drive, so I would check if an entry in /etc/fstab, which allows your user to mount the drive solves your problem.

freebsd has only its partitions (ufs) as linux has only its partitions (btrfs). they don't have lines of ntfs in it. but they could show ntfs partitions icons on desktop and side panel. so, how to let xfce also shows btrfs partitions?

$ cat /etc/fstab
# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass#
/dev/ada0p9 / ufs rw 1 1
/dev/ada0p1 /boot/efi msdosfs rw 2 2
That was not long.

Instead, please:

sudo ls -hl /mnt
$ sudo lklfuse -o type=btrfs /dev/ada0p8 /mnt
$ sudo ls -hl /mnt
total 923896
drwx------ 1 1000 1000 34B Jan 31 2021 .Trash-1000
drwxrwxr-x 1 1000 1000 122B Feb 15 2021 CREATXR-UTILs
drwxrwxr-x 1 1000 1000 974B Dec 22 09:22 DEV