Other replacing bleachbit, cleaning FF, where to put my script?

Well, I cannot manage to unpack bleachbit for my BSD machine, so I would like to feed the way doing the steps in a script, thats why I need maybe some hints for it.

So this is a kind of draft for the steps the script will take to wipe out some stuff, that bleachbit normally does.

# declare the function of the script
set -e
set -i
set -x

rm -rf /home/name of user/.mozilla/firefox/*default/cookies.sqlite
rm -rf /home/name of user/.mozilla/firefox/*default/webappsstore.sqlite
rm -rf /home/name of user/.mozilla/firefox/*default/formhistory.sqlite
rm -rf /home/name of user/.mozilla/firefox/*default/places.sqlite
rm -rf /home/name of user/.mozilla/firefox/*default/startupCache
rm -rf /home/name of user/.mozilla/firefox/*default/offlineCache/index.sqlite
rm -rf /home/name of user/.mozilla/firefox/*default/directorylinks.json

rm -rf /home/name of user/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
rm -rf /home/name of user/.cache/thumbnails

rm -rf /usr/home/name of user/.local/share/Trash/files
rm -rf /usr/home/name of user/.local/share/Trash/info
exit 0

Name the script and
chmod u + x mybleachbit.sh
ln -s mybleacbit.sh

Should I put it in /sbin?

Thanks in advance, for any help, because it makes me dizzy to clear all this by hand every time.