Xorg giving blank screen/segfaulting.

I am running 9-STABLE with the newest version of everything (I am in the process of installing freebsd FreeBSD on this computer). When I got to X.Org, I configured it (as per handbook) and it goes fine. but then when I run Xorg, I get a black screen (switching to TTY makes this worse). The log tells me that Xorg segfaulted.

I have a HD 4200 Radeon graphics card.

In short, here is a log: http://bpaste.net/show/112502/
It's because you use the new X.Org (maybe you have WITH_NEW_XORG enabled somewhere -- make sure this variable is not even mentioned your in make.conf -- the switch works if the variable is defined, regardless of its value), because acceleration for X with the new X.Org has so far only been enabled for Intel graphics.

So rebuild X.Org with all the dependencies with either # portmaster -f x11/xorg or # portupgrade -Rf x11/xorg.

It's the same error as here.
Aah thank you. I just randomly tried with the old X.Org, and it worked, even before I saw your post, thanks.