Whois source

I research sources of whois
/usr/src/usr.bin/whois and
I do not understand, for what this code?
        if (strlen(domain) > sizeof("-NORID")-1 &&
            strcasecmp(domain + strlen(domain) - sizeof("-NORID") + 1,
                "-NORID") == 0) {
                s_asprintf(&retval, "%s", NORIDHOST);
                return (retval);
If you do a whois on "FOO-NORID", it will apparently ask the NORID server "whois.norid.no"

Apparently all NORID registered user handles have the -NORID suffix, so our whois takes care of that.

The change can be found at:

You do know that whois works for more than just domain names? You can ask about handles. For example:

$ whois norid.no
Domain Information

Domain Name................: norid.no
Organization Handle........: UNA31O-NORID
Registrar Handle...........: REG2-NORID
Legal-c Handle.............: HT60P-NORID
Tech-c Handle..............: HT60P-NORID
Zone-c Handle..............: UH1R-NORID
Nameserver Handle..........: NN1H-NORID
Nameserver Handle..........: NAC1H-NORID
Nameserver Handle..........: BIFF1H-NORID
Nameserver Handle..........: SERV19H-NORID

$ whois UNA31O-NORID
Organization Information

NORID Handle...............: UNA31O-NORID
Organization Name..........: UNINETT NORID AS
Organization Number........: 985821585
Post Address...............: Abelsgate 5
Postal Code................: N-7465
Postal Area................: Trondheim
Country....................: Norway

Since the naming convention is so regular, our whois implementation takes advantage of it and does the right thing.