web development - recommendation required


I'm wondering what recommendations you guys have for me for a development suite in the ports collection that I can use to develop a homepage in php and html.

Thanking you in advance,
Johnny2Bad said:
I'm wondering what recommendations you guys have for me for a development suite
My recommendation is to forget about suites and just get the tools together that you need:
  • A text editor of your choice (vim, emacs, nedit, pico, whatever floats your editing boat).
  • A web browser, preferably several: Firefox and Opera and Chrome/Chromium (if that's available for FreeBSD) and if possible MSIE in a VM or on an actual Windows box. And maybe some other less often used ones, too.
  • A good graphics editor, such as the GIMP. Gozer might come in handy in some cases, too.
  • A terminal, of which there are also several to choose from: xterm, aterm, (u)rxvt, Eterm, kterm or even (a) virtual console(s).
  • You'll probably want to install some font sets from the ports collection and ttmkfdir so you can use TrueType fonts.
Hope this helps,

Johnny2Bad said:
I'm wondering what recommendations you guys have for me for a development suite in the ports collection that I can use to develop a homepage in php and html.

I would get GEANY (devel/geany), works great and is really light, have code snippets and all other whistles from other IDEs.
I actually got a forum up and running on my server using Apche22, php5.. using a simple text editor (gedit) and a lot of testing by trial and error.

Thanks for your comments,
Learn vi()

It's venerable. It's on every UNIX system. Need color look at vim, emacs, or nano/pico.

Taking the time to learn vi regardless of other text editors will ultimately pay off when you end up on a machine which doesn't have your "preferred" text editor but vi is there. It's also a very well thought out and logical editor which is why it's been around over 30 years.

If you haven't used Ruby on Rails I also recommend evaluating that as well.