Solved VirtualBox BUS Error

Hello community,
My FreeBSD is:
# freebsd-version 
Today, after updating the packages, emulators/virtualbox-ose stopped working for me.
And only one message I have:
$ virtualbox
Bus error

after updating packages I have:
# pkg version | grep virtualbox
virtualbox-ose-6.1.46_1            =
virtualbox-ose-kmod-6.1.46         =

It's ok if virtualbox-ose have version 6.1.46_1 but kmod 6.1.46 ?
And what is this error "Bus Error" ?

Best regards,
Virtualbox works fine for me:

# freebsd-version -kru

# pkg version | grep virtualbox
virtualbox-ose-6.1.46_1 =
virtualbox-ose-kmod-6.1.46 =

today I created a new virtual machine, I did not find any problems.
I would rebuild the mod from ports.
I've tried this several times. But without result...
I only found this error message:
00:00:06.188774 Watcher  ERROR [COM]: aRC=E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80070005) aIID={d0a0163f-e254-4e5b-a1f2-011cf991c38d} aComponent={VirtualBoxWrap} aText={The object is not ready}, preserve=false aResultDetail=0
Look through this. You may need to delete your VM and recreate it. Remember to preserve or save you vmdk or vdi in order to attach it to any new VM.

I used to have these problems running FreeBSD and Linux under Virtualbox under Windows. I ultimately had to edit the Virtualbox VM's definition file as it had become corrupted.
Just to be sure: can you verify virtualbox kernel modules are loaded when you start the VM ?
Are you sure no other virtualization is in place? In this case here bhyve (vmm).
I think its some thing with package dependency.
I have delete all pakages
#pkg delete \*
And again install all my software....
Now VirtualBox start to work like before.
Thanks everyone for the help!
I think its some thing with package dependency.
I have delete all pakages
#pkg delete \*
And again install all my software....
Now VirtualBox start to work like before.
Thanks everyone for the help!

That is kind of concerning.
Ok, my emulators/virtualbox-ose stopped working again.
And I found the "conflict"
When I have installed net-im/telegram-desktop/ virtualbox stops working.
I deleted Telegram and its dependencies, virtual box starts working!
# pkg delete telegram-desktop
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
    telegram-desktop: 4.10.2

Number of packages to be removed: 1

The operation will free 135 MiB.

Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Deinstalling telegram-desktop-4.10.2...
[1/1] Deleting files for telegram-desktop-4.10.2: 100%
==> Running trigger: gtk-update-icon-cache.ucl
Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
==> Running trigger: desktop-file-utils.ucl
Building cache database of MIME types
root@FBSD:~ # pkg auto
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 21 packages:

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
    glibmm26: 2.78.0
    jasper: 4.0.0_1
    kf5-karchive: 5.110.0
    kf5-kcoreaddons: 5.110.0
    kf5-kimageformats: 5.110.0
    lcms: 1.19_7,1
    libavif: 1.0.1
    libde265: 1.0.12
    libdispatch: 5.5,1
    libheif: 1.16.1
    libmng: 1.0.10_4
    libmysofa: 1.3.1
    libsigc++30: 3.4.0
    minizip: 1.2.11
    openal-soft: 1.21.1_4
    protobuf: 3.21.12,1
    qr-code-generator: 1.8.0
    qt5-declarative: 5.15.10p31
    qt5-imageformats: 5.15.10p9
    qt5-wayland: 5.15.10p57
    rnnoise: g20210122

Number of packages to be removed: 21