Solved Use available space in pool for another pool

Are we talking about six independent drives? I don't understand what you mean when you say you've partitioned a drive in a silly way.

You should be able to do zpool remove mirror-1 (or whichever mirror you want to remove), see zpool-remove(8). There can be significant memory impacts with this, you might want to use -n first to see what it will be.
That looks normal to me. As long as you have at least 410GB free space on zroot (ideally, you should have a lot more, but bare-minimum....), "zpool remove" will work and you can add the partitions to Nytro instead, with the zpool-add(8) command.
Oh, I understand you now. If you can afford downtime, the best option would be to backup the Nytro pool and recreate it from scratch, using smaller partitions; one for Nytro, one for zroot.

You could still juggle everything online if you want to, but it's trickier (and risky too, I'd heavily recommend having backups anyway): zpool-detach(8) one of the drives, partition in the layout you want, zpool-add(8) the new, smaller partition, and then zpool-remove(8) the second drive and partition it as well, using zpool-attach(8) to make it a mirror again. You'll be able to add a third mirror to zroot after all this is done, and Nytro will be a smaller pool.