Unable to get php5 working on FreeBSD 8.2...help needed

So I am working on setting up a IDS box with Snort and BASE. I have Snort running the way I want with MySQL on the backend and all is working correctly. I am trying to now build BASE for a web interface to look at Snort alerts. I have built everything through ports, but having a very odd issue.

Apache is working correctly, but I dont think PHP is. Every time I try to load up BASE, I just see a list of the .php files in the directory. When I try and see if php is working correctly with a simple test.php:


I load that up in my browser and nothing comes back. I added the following to the bottom of my httpd.conf file:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

I installed apache2.2.17_2

Any suggestions on what I am missing?

Alright. I did figure out that PHP is working ok. M script was incorrect. I modified it to:


Next trick is, why, when I try and open up the URL with /base after it, I just see a list of the files in that directory....
In order not to see the directory listing in any subfolder of your DocumentRoot, remove Indexes from your Options directive in your httpd.conf. Now, in order to show a web page in some subfolder, you have add an index.html or index.php file in that folder. For index.php to work, you'll have to update your DirectoryIndex directive of your httpd.conf to include index.php (or whatever filename you wish). Don't forget to restart apache after making your changes.
DutchDaemon said:
Please post your solution so others can learn from it.


What I ended up doing was cleaning up apache and PHP port installs and reinstalling them.

This time, I made sure when I was in both directores, I did

make config

to specify the options I needed for the builds.

My guess is that I missed something initially during the port build. What thing I have noticed is that, when I use the ports tree, I usually don't like to download ALL the ports available because they don't fit my needs. However, sometimes there are these odd dependencies that a port will need. With that, I went back into my ports-supfile and basically downloaded all the ports.

Once that was done, I rebuilt the ports and that seemed to fix it.


Alright. I did figure out that PHP is working ok. M script was incorrect. I modified it to:

In PHP 5.3 the default for short_open_tag changed from On to Off.

In PHP's core it's still On by default, but it's set to Off in the default php.ini config.