The problem with gmirror (softRAID1) after updating FreeBSD 11 to FreeBSD 12

Good day. After assembling the world and the kernel and installing them, the system could not start.
When the kernel comes to mount a partition root, it is suggested to choose a file system for mounting. If I choose /dev/mirror/gm0a, the system continues to boot, as if there are no problems.

I come across this for the first time and I don’t know how to explain this.

# cat /etc/fstab
# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass#
/dev/mirror/gm0a / ufs rw 1 1
/dev/mirror/gm0b none swap sw 0 0

Thank you very much for your answers!


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As far as I remember, it is the loader that greps into /etc/fstab and determines the root filesystem. This name is then stored into a kenv variable ("vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/mirror/whatever").
In your case that variable seems not to exist, so somehow this fails (can the loader read /etc/fstab from the device where the loader and kernel is fetched?)
Otherwise You might give it a try and set that variable explicitely in loader.conf, to see if that works.
Checking changes between R11 and R12 in that aera... there were a couple of changes nearby (e.g loader support for geli).

The "vfs.root.mountfrom" does exist in 11.2 - I dont have an R12 in reach (as I currently tend to go for 12.1 rather).
The whole scheme was always a bit of a hattrick, sparsely documented, and more or less problematic (e.g. how would the loader read /etc/fstab from a filesystem that needs some kernel module to be understood?).

Here is the information I rely on - a bit oldfashioned, indeed.