Test dump status when ran from script

Hi Guys,
Just going through setting up a script using dump.
The backup appears to work fine.

I have text output echoing to a log file just regarding times and dates and where its up to in the script.

Question is, is there a way to output something different if the backup fails versus successful?
How do I test if it is successful (in script that is)?

I have been following http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=185.

Kind Regards,
Michael Hiatt
So going off your fine example from the howto:

dump -0Lauf - /dev/ad0s1d | bzip2 > /path/to/backups/ad0s1d.dump.bz2

To test this within a script would the following suffice?

dump -0Lauf - /dev/ad0s1d | bzip2 > /path/to/backups/ad0s1d.dump.bz2 && echo "success" > &2 || echo "fail" > &2 && exit 1

What are the &2 parts referring to?

Currently I've been echoing to a defined log file like so (without knowing if the job is successful, just that it has reached a point where it should run):
echo "Backup Job for /usr started" >> $LOGFILE

Would I change the &2's to $LOGFILE?

Sorry this must sound really simple, given I'm writing the script out of necessity and I'm teaching myself as I go, I guess that's where I'm at. Sorry.

Kind Regards and thanks for the help so far though.
Michael Hiatt

EDIT: I found http://steve-parker.org/sh/variables2.shtml
I also took a look at the article you listed.

I made a bit of a test file (had a go):

ls /root/a
if [ $? != 0 ]
		echo "FAIL" >> /root/logfile.log
		exit 1

echo "PASS" >> /root/logfile.log

If the file /root/a exists, I get a PASS in the logfile.
If the file does not exist, I get a FAIL in the logfile.

So similarly, if I set up a check directly after each call to dump (I'm backing up multiple mount points/device names), I should be golden?
dump -0Lauf - /dev/ad0s1d | bzip2 > /path/to/backups/ad0s1d.dump.bz2
if [ $? != 0 ]
		echo "FAIL" >> /root/logfile.log
		exit 1
echo "PASS on /dev/ad0s1d" >> /root/logfile.log

I guess I get confused what its testing, is it testing the first command dump or the second bzip2? Or is it testing the whole line?

Also I realise this could be made more code friendly, I'm attempting to understand whats going on though before I complicate it more.

Thanks for the help. Appreciated.
>&2 means: redirect to stream nr2. Normally it's stderr

about, which one [ $? != 0 ] is testing...frankly I'm not 100% sure... but I think it will work