Spinning down system disk

I have small home router on freebsd. Is it possible to spin down system disk (ata) by atacontrol? If it's possible it will be safe and will it not spin up after some time?
Using sync(8) beforehand would be smart though, right... otherwise you might get some unhappy half-baked inodes :\?

atacontrol(8) will also change to camcontrol(8) in the future for ahci enabled devices as per the work that mav@ and scottl@ are doing in the ata(4) area. That probably won't be backported to 8.x, but it will probably be in 9.x.
gcooper@ said:
atacontrol(8) will also change to camcontrol(8) in the future for ahci enabled devices as per the work that mav@ and scottl@ are doing in the ata(4) area. That probably won't be backported to 8.x, but it will probably be in 9.x.

It is going to change for all ATA devices, not just AHCI. And it is already backported to 8-STABLE, but indeed probably won't be enabled by default in 8.x.