Qpaeq miss librairies (Resolved)

Hello, I am back again to FreeBSD and I have some problems to resolv. One of them is that qpaeq do not want to start saying it miss Qt5 and Python Dbus librairies. I do not know to which packages qpaeq refer precisely. If you know, please tell me because I need qpaeq. Here is the output from command line:

There was an error importing needed libraries
Make sure you have qt5 and dbus-python installed
The error that occurred was:
No module named 'PyQt5'
I guess that the module py39-qt5 from devel/py-qt5 is meant?

The command that you try to execute is from audio/pulseaudio.

If i have read correctly thats an equalizer that are you trying to use, please note that this will only apply for
applications that have been built with pulseaudio support, so it could come to
an little inconsistency here and there.
Thank-you Alexander88207 , it finally load. Installing the package py39-qt5 leaded to install a total of 36 packages. qpaeq stopped to complain about missing librairies but asked to load the dbus protocol module in Pulseaudio what I did and than qpaeq showed up. Thank-you again. I mark it as resolved.