Solved Pull SSD out of laptop, then connect to USB


Someone suggested that the heat from my cheap SSD is causing warm palm rest on my Thinkpad laptop. I pulled SSD out of my laptop, and it was indeed very very warm.

Then, i plugged said SSD into a Sata-USB adaptor. Then, i plugged adaptor into USB-3.0 port on my Thinkpad. So now my Tjinkpad's harddrive bay is empty.

Now, i turn on my Thinkpad. It tries to boot the USD drive, but it fails to mount the drive. i think it was looking for /dev/ada, but cannot mount it. maybe the dev is now different.

how do i make to mount in USB?


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echo vfs.root.mountfrom=\"ufs:/dev/da0p2\" >> /mnt/boot/loader.conf
EDIT You'll have to do that by booting from e.g. the install media USB thumb drive, open a shell, and apply on the loader.conf(5) on the external USB disk. Beware to adjust the device# and partition#. When you boot from the memstick image that will be da0, and the external USB disk is da1, but when you boot w/o memstick, the external disk is da0! So this is a perfect use case to use partition or filesystem labels: then the above would be vfs.root.mountfrom="ufs:/dev/[ufs|gpt]/FBSDROOT". Beware to use one of either ufs or gpt and replace FBSDROOT with your favourite label name. Please RTFM tunefs(8) and gpart(8) for how to apply a label to a UFS filesystem and/or partition.
Is the filesystem UFS or ZFS? To avoid device name boot problems label the partitions:
Why so complicated?
Because it's one of my top skills to occasionally not see the KISS solution!
Because it's one of my top skills to occasionally not see the KISS solution right away!
You can boot the system from the mountroot> command shell and edit the fstab file from the running system.
It should boot right through, w/o a stop @mountroot> prompt, with the vfs.root.mountfrom added to loader.conf(5). Of course the fstab(5) should be adjusted to contain /dev/ufs/ROOT / ufs ... or /dev/gpt/ROOT / ufs ... or pool/ROOT/default / zfs ... as well. Maybe even the latter is enough to avoid the interruption to ask for the root filesystem?
OT & TWIMC: I highlighted the term "occasionally" in my previous post. If you feel that's not justified, please show me your statistically sound findings why I had better written "mostly" instead.