Solved Problems with Shift under X Window.


I've just installed FreeBSD 12.0-BETA2 (after ~20yrs of using Linux). I managed to resolve problems with sdhci controller timeout, music playback (Realtek ACL269) and video (used scfb as a driver for Intel HD 500) . Now I'm stuck on... keyboard configuration - in text mode everything is working OK. Under X Window I have problems with ... Shift -> symptoms: to leave vi launched in urxvt I have to press ESC, then ":" and then Shift-Enter (in text mode Enter was enough). I'm using Xmonad and can't launch terminal (urxvt) using default key bindings (mod-shift-enter). Checked key codes here but everything looks normal - it's 13 for enter and 16 for shift... Checked in another WM (WindowMaker) the problem is also present, so it's not Xmonad issue. Anyone knows what may be causing such behavior? Attached my xorg.conf (X is not starting without it).

Kind regards,


  • xorg.conf
    3.2 KB · Views: 146
Have you tried using
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
instead of "pl"?
Just a few days ago I found a bug in the latest "am" (Armenian) layout, submitted a report, and folks admitted 2 typos.
If you are able to open an Xterm (or urxvt) and type some text, is the text capitalized or not? It almost sounds like your shift key is reversed, similar to having CAPS-LOCK on.