Problem with compiz start-up

When i start up compiz-fusion it shows me an error, saying that it can not import pygtk module.I have py-gtk2 installed.

Any ideas?
Thanks for the reply, Adamk.
This is the script i use to start compiz-fusion:
#! /bin/sh
compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp &
emerald --replace &

And that is the output when i run the script:
%:1: error: unexpected character `\1', expected keyword - e.g. `style'
compiz (core) - Fatal: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0

But there is no way of configuring it because when i run ccsm i get the problem
with the pygtk2 module.

Any ideas?
Well, first, let's get compiz started. You haven't even gotten that far. Then we'll worry about configuring it. What's the output of [cmd=]glxinfo | grep -i render[/cmd]?

OK, I'm going to suggest you install x11-wm/compiz-manager and graphics/mesa-demos and then use [cmd=""]compiz-manager &[/cmd] to try and start compiz.

Those are ports and/or packages. You would install them the same way you installed anything so far. To install the packages, you would: [cmd=""]pkg_add -r compiz-manager mesa-graphics[/cmd] To install via ports: [cmd=""]cd /usr/ports/graphics/mesa-demos && make install clean distclean && cd ../../x11-wm/compiz-manager && make install clean distclean[/cmd]

Have you reviewed the section of the freebsd handbook on install ports?

You don't need the nvidia libraries, but you really do want to install mesa demos. Are you trying to install from ports or packages?

Everything ok with mesa demos.
As for compiz manager, it says that the directory does not exist?
Probably is my fault...
Here is the message:
../../x11-wm/compiz-manager: No such file or directory.
What i do now?
No, it's my fault. compiz-manager is part of the compiz port.

Just bring up a terminal and run 'compiz-manager &' now. If it fails to start, let us know exactly what video card you have and attach your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to a post here.

Output when i tried to start compiz manager:

Nick-Laptop# compiz-manager &
[1] 5704
Nick-Laptop# Checking for Xgl: No protocol specified
xvinfo:  Unable to open display :0.0
not present. 
No protocol specified
xset:  unable to open display ":0.0"
xset q doesn't reveal the location of the log file. Using fallback /var/log/Xorg.0.log 
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present. 
Trying again with indirect rendering:
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present. 
aborting and using fallback: /usr/local/bin/kwin 
No protocol specified
kwin: cannot connect to X server :0.0

and the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file

You should not be running commands as the root user unless they are to install software or otherwise administer your computer.

You can simply try pasting the content of /var/log/Xorg.0.log into a post here, but be sure to use

[code][/code] tags.
