PowerDNS can't resolve external CNAME?

I'm trying to move away from using BIND on my home network, and have been playing around with dns/unbound and dns/powerdns-recursor. Unbound has been working pretty well, but powerdns-recursor is giving me issues.

Here's the problem. There's a domain on the internet, let's say worknet.com. On my powerdns-recursor box, I can nslookup worknet.com and get the appropriate answer. On that domain is a CNAME record, mail.worknet.com which redirects to ghs.google.com (Google Apps hosted email address). So when I want to check mail I would hit mail.worknet.com and it would redirect me to ghs.google.com and then show me the mail login for worknet.com.

When using BIND, nslookup returns the correct answer, ghs.google.com, when looking up mail.worknet.com. When using unbound, it also returns the correct answer. When I use powerdns-recursor, nslookup returns
** server can't find mail.worknet.com: NXDOMAIN

I Googled the message and found that other people have had this same behavior with powerdns and external CNAMEs, but the posts were pretty old (like a year+), so I figured it should be fixed by now. So, I'm wondering if anyone familiar with this can tell me what I need to do to get this working :) Thanks for reading.