Posts and edits to the forum.

I've suddenly become unable to edit or reply to a post and have markup or emoticons etc available. Anyone who's read my meanderings will know I love my emoticons...

I have tried both firefox and chromium. The firefox is rather old so that's may be a reason. So I tried Brave (Chromium 81.blahblah) and it's the same.

Anyone else experiencing this?
Yes, the toolbar has disappeared when you make a post. There was a forum upgrade over the weekend. (This is Firefox 82 on Mac and I can't see the B I U options nor emojis etc.)
Yes I cannot make a proper post with the formatting options missing. Usually I try and use /ports and commands formatting for easy readability. Quotes as well as links are missing.
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For future reference, there's a Help link the bottom of every page that contains a link to the above. This help link is easy to access as well:

What I miss is the "disable BB code" button that allowed me to manually type tags; I recall some issue I had with a list where an extra empty list item was created, so I had to post the unrendered version. It only happened once, and I can't remember the circumstances surrounding the issue.
Can I also add that the default style of this forum is just plain broken on tablets. If I switch to the blue style everything looks fine.

If this was all due to an upgrade then I would grade this an F- and ask for a drug test.
I can second this. Even using chromium the button bar when replying is gone. Quotes are rendered instead of put into tags and the preview button also went awol. It's kinda irritating. If that is the intended final state i guess i am better off manually copying the posts i want to reply to. Well as long as they don't have any formating otherwise this won't really work. Luckily i've memorized the tags by now at least.
No toolbar here at all in Xenfor's FreeBSD default style, BlueFreeBSD, FreeBSD light, or FreeBSD dark. Using manually inserted BB code after the forum software update since Sunday.

Yes, the behavior sadly seems to be consistent across all styles.
I had that rich text editor WYSIWYG thing turned off permanently. It made a royal mess of the tags and made cleaning up posts next to impossible. So I didn't notice it disappearing. At first I thought it was an add-on we used. But the toolbar settings are all still there in the admin panel. No idea where the toolbar went, it's definitely not visible and I can't seem to find a way to turn them on (or off).

Note, tags are still usable but you'll have to type them yourself. For completeness sake:
Note, tags are still usable but you'll have to type them yourself.
Having to type the tags is not that much of a problem (i wouldn't know how to insert a picture without linking to it but i hardly need that anyways). My main gripe is how hitting reply is now inserting a visual box instead of the relevant post surrounded by quote tags. It's pretty awkward to work with this.
My main gripe is how hitting reply is now inserting a visual box instead of the relevant post surrounded by quote tags. It's pretty awkward to work with this.
That seems to work the same as before for me. But it wouldn't be the first time I apparently have different viewing options compared to a "normal" user.


  • forum.jpg
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That seems to work the same as before for me. But it wouldn't be the first time I apparently have different viewing options compared to a "normal" user.

Interesting. I've already looked over my account settings but i didn't see anything to seems to be likely to affect this. If you have a hint i am all ears.
When i open js console i see that unlinkAll.plugin.min.js cannot read property and maybe this addont is blocking the toolbar.

We'll have to wait for an update to the Editor plug-in. It must have escaped the upgrader's attention.
I have disabled the add-on temporarily, which gives us the basic editor for now. You will find additional tags under the 'three dots' menu (when inside the editor). It's not ideal, but should be workable for a while.

Screenshot 2020-10-27 184239.png
mark_j Which tablet? Looks good on my phone and an old, clunky, crappy Samsung I've got.
Samsung Galaxy 6 and I just checked a 2 as well; same thing. I should qualify the main forum page is OK (just) in portrait mode but bad in landscape. The forum subject and description scroll down the page in a column of 20 characters (an estimate).

Why don't companies just use css grids? Oh no, we gotta have the latest & greatest in bloatware; javascript. Looking at you xenforo. Looking at you.
Two questions: is it sane or possible to
1. have shortcuts for some of Tags, especially CMD, CODE, MAN and PORT?
2. reduce size of some tags?

CMD => K
MAN => M
PMAN => D (Doc)
PR => R (Report)
If you change the definition of those custom BBcodes you'll break all the existing posts.
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