phpPgAdmin installation issues on FreeBSD 13.2

I tried configuring phpPgAdmin on FreeBSD 13.2 in combination with PostgreSQL 13, nginx and php81-8.1.20

I configured the needed services based on very old tutarials I could find. All the required services start without problems.
I probably have one or more subtle configuration problems that prevent me from reaching the phpPgAdmin page via a web browser on localhost.

Adminer is sufficient for straightforward querying and editing, but because it’s tailored to the lowest common denominator among database products, you won’t find management applets that are specific to PostgreSQL for such tasks as creating new users, granting rights, or displaying permissions. Adminer also treats each schema as a separate database, which severely reduces the usefulness of the relational diagrammer if your relationships cross schema boundaries.

pgAdmin was much less responsive than phpPgAdmin when I used to use it. I think pgAdmin is 62% written in Python which explains why it feels extremely slow compared to phpPgAdmin. And phpPgAdmin may also just be a much lighter program.

PostgreSQL was the most popular database on stackoverflow in 2023.
I think it would be useful if a tutorial was made to install phpPgAdmin on FreeBSD in combination with NginX, php81 and PostgreSQL 13.
I bet you're more likely to find LNPP stack tutorials for FreeBSD rather than trying to find a workflow specifically for phpPgAdmin. Once you've got your actual stack in place, one would think installing phpPgAdmin on top of that would be platform agnostic.

In terms of debugging your current problem, I'd recommend trying to pinpoint the failure exactly. Perhaps start with a tool like sysutils/lsof and do lsof -i | grep -i listen (I'm sure there are other/better ways) to see if NginX is actually binding to a port in the first place, then check to see if your virtual hosts (or however you've set it up) are configured, etc. Once you've found out whether the stack is working, then you can move on to the PHP application debugging. Outside of that, without logs / configs posted, we may not be of much help.