Solved PC freezes when exiting X


I installed FreeBSD and set up X.Org, following the handbook's instructions.
But now I need your help.

Whenever X exits, the PC completely freezes. It looks like I'm still on X though. I can't type anymore, and the power button won't shut down the system. I have to press and hold the power button to force a shutdown.

I'm not yet able to track down the problem on my own. I hope you can help me.
There is no xorg.conf yet.
Hi, I am using an integrated Intel graphic, Q35 chipset, Intel GMA 3100. The CPU is a Core 2 Duo 2 GHz. I am currently not sure of the exact name. It is a Dell OptiPlex 755.
Thank you, kern.vty=vt works. Now that you mentioned the solution, I realize threads like this are all over the forum.

To get back the old terminal's VGA resolution, I added this to /boot/loader.conf: