Newbie question about freebsd-update & csup

Are freebsd-update and csup incompatible ways to manage updates? When I do freebsd-update after csup, it launches a new update of my already updated source, as you can see:
# csup /etc/supfile
Connected to
Updating collection src-all/cvs
 Checkout src/contrib/telnet/libtelnet/encrypt.c
 Checkout src/include/unistd.h
 Checkout src/lib/libc/Versions.def
 Checkout src/lib/libc/gen/
 Checkout src/lib/libc/gen/
 Checkout src/lib/libc/gen/libc_dlopen.c
 Checkout src/lib/libc/include/libc_private.h
 Checkout src/lib/libc/net/nsdispatch.c
 Checkout src/lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/pam_ssh.c
 Checkout src/libexec/ftpd/ftpd.c
 Checkout src/libexec/ftpd/popen.c
 Checkout src/sys/compat/linux/linux_socket.c
 Checkout src/sys/conf/
 Checkout src/sys/kern/uipc_usrreq.c
 Checkout src/usr.bin/compress/zopen.c
 Checkout src/usr.bin/gzip/zuncompress.c
 Checkout src/usr.sbin/mountd/mountd.c
Finished successfully
# freebsd-update fetch
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 8.2-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

The following files will be updated as part of updating to 8.2-RELEASE-p5:

(My bins were already updated by freebsd-update before the csup)
Am I doing something wrong?
Here is a part of my supfile:
*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_8_2
*default delete use-rel-suffix
They are two different methods which keep track in different ways. freebsd-update(8) is for binary updates, and also updates /usr/src. csup(1) only updates /usr/src, to update the binaries afterwards requires a buildworld/kernel/installworld.
I use freebsd-update to update my bins and csup to update /usr/src and make a buildworld for my jails. I understood you mean the csup is useless because freebsd-update already did the job for the sources.
OK, but I don't understand why freebsd-update don't see the sources updated by csup as already updated sources.
It is not very important, as long as my sources are updated, but it is always better to understand the system you use, isn't it...