Nepomuk Service Stub Crash

Hello, I have a problem each time that I start kde 4.7 with freebsd FreeBSD 9. I have each time 6 Nepomuk messages with the nexts PIDs: 1950, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004.
I already disabled Nepomuk from the system but it keeps coming and don't know what is the problem really. Any help would be good. Thanks in advance.
I had the Nepomuk crashes when I did a default install of the KDE4 port a few months ago. I ended up having to install the Berkeley DB port to be able to turn off some setting related Nepomuk and the crashes went away.

I have forgotten the details. Hopefully someone else can give a better answer.
Persephone said:
I had the Nepomuk crashes when I did a default install of the KDE4 port a few months ago. I ended up having to install the Berkeley DB port to be able to turn off some setting related Nepomuk and the crashes went away.

I have forgotten the details. Hopefully someone else can give a better answer.

I've installed the new DB but it still has the same problem. And I tried to deinstall or delete the old ones but it doesn't work, I mean it doesn't uninstall them.
I believe it was the Desktop Search control panel that was inactive, but with nepomuk enabled, without the database installed. Installing the database allowed me to switch off nepomuk.

I wish I could remember exactly what I did, but I found the solution in a post through google months ago, fixed the problem, and then forgot about the details.
Persephone said:
I believe it was the Desktop Search control panel that was inactive, but with nepomuk enabled, without the database installed. Installing the database allowed me to switch off nepomuk.

I wish I could remember exactly what I did, but I found the solution in a post through google months ago, fixed the problem, and then forgot about the details.

Thanks again for your time, but I'm still fighting with this.
Well it's over. The problem seems to be in that I needed to install "Virtuoso" once it installed I could go to desktop search and disable it from there and also from the task manager.
So now after restart KDE it I don't recive any error message. This is solved for me. Thanks.