Other My /tmp keeps filling up and can't run mysqlcheck

How can I make my /tmp directory bigger by making a new one in /var and call it /var/bigtmp and make a symlink to it? How can I do this and will that work? Also what would be the
exact commands and permissions? I'm using FreeBSD 9.

Your help would be great.
If you have a lot of memory I would suggest using tmpfs(5) for /tmp. This will use some available RAM to use for /tmp making it quite fast. You may also need to have a look at your MySQL configuration, apparently it's using a lot of (large) temporary tables. This could indicate a badly configured MySQL or lots of tables without proper indexes.

To use tmpfs(5) add this to /etc/fstab:
tmpfs                   /tmp    tmpfs   rw,mode=1777    0       0
As for the directory itself it has to be writable by everyone and have its sticky(7) bit set, i.e. mode 1777.