Solved Mouse movement but not mouse clicks recognised with EvDev

Hey guys, I'm using EvDev to passthrough my keyboard and mouse into my FreeBSD virtual machine.

The keyboard works fine, but only the mouse movement is detected - ie. no clicking works

I'm using virt-manager, KVM/QEMU, and the lines added to the XML are:
    <qemu:arg value="-object"/>
    <qemu:arg value="input-linux,id=mouse1,evdev=/dev/input/by-id/usb-HUION_Huion_Tablet-if01-event-mouse"/>
    <qemu:arg value="-object"/>
    <qemu:arg value="input-linux,id=mouse2,evdev=/dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_G502_HERO_Gaming_Mouse_117231463936-event-mouse"/>
    <qemu:arg value="-object"/>
    <qemu:arg value="input-linux,id=kbd1,evdev=/dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_G502_HERO_Gaming_Mouse_117231463936-if01-event-kbd,grab_all=on,repeat=on"/>
    <qemu:arg value="-object"/>
    <qemu:arg value="input-linux,id=kbd2,evdev=/dev/input/by-id/usb-SONiX_USB_DEVICE-event-kbd,grab_all=on,repeat=on"/>
    <qemu:arg value="-object"/>
    <qemu:arg value="input-linux,id=mouse3,evdev=/dev/input/by-id/usb-SONiX_USB_DEVICE-if01-event-mouse"/>
I have also tried to add moused_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf, to no avail

Is there anything else I need to do to get EvDev properly working?
Thank you.
Also just to note, the EvDev setup works for both a linux virtual machine and a windows virtual machine
(Tried to edit into original message, but it kept saying just select a prefix and nothing else, so not sure how to do that)
Hey guys, I'm using EvDev to passthrough my keyboard and mouse into my FreeBSD virtual machine.
The keyboard works fine, but only the mouse movement is detected - ie. no clicking works
I have also tried to add moused_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf, to no avail
moused(8) can be managed by an rc.d (ref: Practical rc.d scripting in BSD) scripted service(8) ( service -l and try service moused ?): "The moused utility and the console driver work together to support mouse operation in the text console and user programs."

In a text console (i.e., before issuing startx), try getting its status, then stop and start again. You should get something like:
# service moused stop
Stopping moused.
Waiting for PIDS: 1200, 1200.
Did this stop and disable your mouse movements?
I'm unsure if I'm able to test it before running startX as my KDE environment now boots up by default
But doing it in the KDE environment, nothing changes and the mouse still works

However, if I drop into the terminal via Ctrl + alt + f1 and run the same command, the mouse does stop, and I think that terminal is one without running
I've fixed it!

For anyone else having the same issue, simply add a USB mouse to KVM virtual machine, you can't remove the default ps2 mouse, but it'll work anyway
for some reason evdev will then use that mouse, which works since it's USB!

Thanks for the help again erichans