Mount UFS2 USB-HDD via KDE4 (Device Notifier/Dolphin)


I have installed KDE 4.3.1 on FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE i386 and I am trying to mount a USB attached disk with a UFS2 filesystem by using the Device Notifier Plasmoid or the Dolphin file manager.

The first problem is, that the disk shows up twice in KDE as "Volume (ufs)".
Clicking on the USB-stick symbol successfully mounts the disk. So far so good. But when I tell KDE to unmount it, the following error is shown:

org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.NotMountedByHal: Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL

Before the mount, [font="Courier New"]glabel status da0[/font] shows one entry:
ufsid/44329c1f53d02879     N/A  da0
After the mount, this entry does not exist anymore till the device is manually unmounted. The label of the mounted disk seems to be removed.

For each label added by glabel, one more entry is shown in the Device Notifier and in Dolphin, but none of them shows the actual label.

      label/BACKUPDISK     N/A  da0
ufsid/44329c1f53d02879     N/A  da0

When I use disks with FAT32 file system, the problem does not appear, the disk shows up with a name in KDE and can be mounted and unmounted. The problem occurs only with disks using the UFS2 filesystem.

Does anyone have an idea? KDE-bug? PolicyKit configuration?

Using Dolphin under Gnome

I get the message from Dolphin when trying to unmount a device that was mounted using the Gnome Desktop environment (100% of the time).

It does not occur if I run Dolphin under KDE.

Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL

The solution, of course, is to open Nautilus, and unmount the drive.

Why do I use Dolphin under Gnome (with Fedora)?
While I prefer KDE, Gnome has better dual screen support than KDE.