Migrating hardware


I need help. I have this Intel board with single xeon (pentium4 based). But I need it, so I've decided to move the existing FreeBSD 8.2 installation to another machine. The other machine is a desktop machine I have with Asus MB and P4 CPU. Probably the biggest mistake I made while configuring the server was installing FreeBSD on a RAID0 array. Now I need the hard drives as well.

I do not want to start from scratch. All is backed up, but I only have a single hard drive for the new machine.

Do you think it is mission impossible? Is there any way this will work without configuring the whole thing all over again?
Thanks a lot. I shall try this. It makes sense. I was doing offline backups using clonezilla of both drives. It never occurred to me I can back up a live system.

Thanks again.