Solved LibreOffice window being really small when started

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I'm on xfce. I have this wierd LibreOffice window behavior.
Everytime when I open LibreOffice, its window is very small and located at top left of the desktop. It is so small that in the beginning I didn't realize LibreOffice was already opened and I started to believe the package was broken. Please see attached pic. Can you see LibreOffice's window?
Any solution?


  • Screenshot from 2023-02-25 15-56-02.png
    Screenshot from 2023-02-25 15-56-02.png
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Everytime when I open LibreOffice, its window is very small and located at top left of the desktop. It is so small
The same problem has another user in the forums.

Workaround in post # 6.
If you close the lowriter when it's maximized it save the incorrect ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes under ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu line 102 in the file. If you don't maximize the window it's ok.

<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Setup/Office/Factories/org.openoffice.Setup:Factory['']"><prop oor:name="ooSetupFactoryWindowAttributes" oor:op="fuse"><value>17,27,1004,618;1;0,0,0,0;</value></prop></item>

I tried,

remove everything in ~/.cache,
remove everything in ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user,
replace line 102 in ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu with the line posted by VladiBG.

Unfortunately, none of these works. I'm using libreoffice

If the bug is fixed in 7.5, I hope it will be included in next quarter, which is not very far away.
Unfortunately, none of these works. I'm using libreoffice
…what I'm missing in your list: Are you using LibreOffice with a full screen window? The know problem is that is saves a wrong window geometry if a user maximizes the window. Also: Execute LibreOffice without a file, and open the wanted document from its menu - I got different behaviours on this. (But: I can't re-check this again as I'm using ports. And I don't use Xfce.)
I tried,
Unfortunately, none of these works.
Have you tried
Workaround in post # 6.
of thread
Looks like LibreOffice in FreeBSD's repo is using experimental Qt5 UI. I've added this to /usr/local/bin/libreoffice:
Now everything works fine.
If I close libreoffice from:
maximized window, then running it gives me tiny window;
full screen, then running it gives me max window;
half max window, then running it gives me same half max window.

Most of time, I use libreoffice on max window. I suppose this is also how most of people use it.

…what I'm missing in your list: Are you using LibreOffice with a full screen window? The know problem is that is saves a wrong window geometry if a user maximizes the window. Also: Execute LibreOffice without a file, and open the wanted document from its menu - I got different behaviours on this. (But: I can't re-check this again as I'm using ports. And I don't use Xfce.)
Oh forgot to mention it.
Yes, I have. Doesn't seem to make a difference - closing libreoffice from max window then opening it gives me tiny window.

Have you tried

of thread
It looks there is no difference whether i open libreoffice with no file or open it by clicking a .doc file.

…what I'm missing in your list: Are you using LibreOffice with a full screen window? The know problem is that is saves a wrong window geometry if a user maximizes the window. Also: Execute LibreOffice without a file, and open the wanted document from its menu - I got different behaviours on this. (But: I can't re-check this again as I'm using ports. And I don't use Xfce.)
I can confirm that the version of Libreoffice in latest don't have this bug.
I can also confirm that I had this bug while in quartely.

Ps.: I dind't change the repo because of this, was just a good surprise.
Just to make sure, I have re-tested this SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN workaround, and it works for me. bxbzq, you're adding these lines before the last exec line, right?
Ah huh. Yesterday I added the 2 lines to the end of the libreoffice file, and it had no effect. I just moved them 2 lines up, now it's working. Thanks for the tip.

By the way, it looks to me that adding this SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN makes the libreoffice appearance a bit different. I guess that's fine for me.

Just to make sure, I have re-tested this SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN workaround, and it works for me. bxbzq, you're adding these lines before the last exec line, right?