Solved Keyboard does not work under i3wm

So I ve ran an simple update today and the keyboard does not work when I start i3 (the only wm I use). It does work under X... since I can log in and so on...
I m getting the following error

Thank you in advance!


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In the past there have been issues with generating the config files using FreeBSD. They have been incomplete. Please check the content if you have not done so already. As far as I remember the FreeBSD workaround has been to copy it out of the i3 example directory or so. Good luck!
I really do not know what you mean ... but it did worked before the reboot ... also the mouse is owrking under i3wm :/
If everything has worked well before that you can ignore my post. This issue was related to the configuration of the window manager during setup or when the configuration file has been re-generated. Some key code or so could not been interpreted and than the process of generating a config file stopped immediately. The result has been an incomplete non working config.
Managed to make it work after Ive replaced the .xinitrc in the home folder with the default one. I m not sure that the error message posted above is gone but the keyboard is working under i3.