Solved JWM exiting fails to shut down X server.

This problem appeared after upgrading for 14.0-RELEASE adding battray to xinitrc.

Selecting "Exit" from the JWM menu - all open X client windows remain but can't move or resize and the terminal prompt fails to return.

After pressing control+alt+F1 I can get back to the terminal window - but the 'startx' session is still running. After typing control-C, X finally quits and returns me to the sh prompt from where I originally ran startx.
Update: I had recently added 'battray' to my .xinitrc file. I put it after the line to start jwm. After swapping the two lines, all is good.
The last command in your ~/.xinitrc should be an exec {....} starting the window manager. Anything you put after that should never get executed though, the execution path never returns from an exec(1). The entire process is replaced by whatever you're exec'ing.

     exec [command [arg ...]]
             Unless command is omitted, the shell process is replaced with the
             specified program (which must be a real program, not a shell
             built-in command or function).  Any redirections on the exec
             command are marked as permanent, so that they are not undone when
             the exec command finishes.
The last command in your ~/.xinitrc should be an exec {....} starting the window manager. Anything you put after that should never get executed though, the execution path never returns from an exec(1). The entire process is replaced by whatever you're exec'ing.
There's an ampersand after the 'exec battray'.