Other Is it possible to use wasted RAM on i386 system as RAM disk?

I am forced to use i386 system, because wine still do not work well with amd64. I need to start small Windows virtual machine to use Skype on it, but this VM is very slow. I want to use 8GB of wasted RAM on my computer to start Windows VM from it so that it will be very fast.

Time is of the essence!
Have you tried the wine-devel port on amd64? According to the latest quarterly report a lot of work has been done recently on getting the 64bit port stable. Also, what do you mean by Windows virtual machine? To run a real VM, you can use something like Virtualbox and you wouldn't actually need wine.

Alternatively you could try building PAE into your kernel so the system can see the extra RAM. I don't think any application is going to see or be able to make use of the RAM above 4GB without PAE. Of course you'll still probably only be able to give a VM ~4GB or RAM, as on a 32bit system, 32bit applications can only address a maximum of 4GB. The PAE kernel just does tricks to allow different applications to see different sections of the overall RAM in the system.
I run World of Warcraft on wine. More info here

But I need Windows VM (Windows Vista on Virtualbox) to be always up and running. Together with WoW Windows VM is very very slow even though I run it from another hard disk. So I want to create RAM disk and copy vhd file to it while booting and then work with it.

I need Windows Vista, not Windows XP, because Windows XP is insecure system, because it doesn't receive security updates. Windows XP works well, but Windows Vista is really slow.

This thread shows that it might be possible on Windows http://www.jensscheffler.de/using-gavotte-ramdisk-in-windows-7