iMac G5 (A1076)

Hi guys,
I have installed freebsd 12 in old imac (A1076 model). All OK but display no detect.
The driver is a scfb. Slim environment appears with antique colours. If put startx in console appears ..."scfb pallette =0".......repeat...repeat...whitout file monitor0-freq.conf.Whit the file monitor0-freq.conf the consola say me :"(EE No screens found EE).
If I put in console xrandr appears "Can't open display".
In /use/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/. monitor0-freq.conf .If this file is delete ,the system appears with slim environment poor color and if I put it not appears slim.
The pointer of the mouse appears on screen in console mode.
Any solution to this problem?????🤔
In the "" file for this computer the driver put "modesetting" change it to scfb?
In the place monitor..what I put in?
Don't use an xorg.conf file, instead use the example in the handbook chapter 5.4.5. Video Cards - "Setting the Video Driver in a File". If you have installed x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv, create file /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/driver-nv.conf, set
Section "Device"
    Identifier "Card0"
    Driver     "nv"
If you want to use the "scfb" driver, set it instead of "nv" ( for completeness rename the file in driver-scfb.conf).

If xorg won't come up, post /var/logs/Xorg.0.log.
In the place monitor..what I put in?
Don't use The monitor doesn't need necessarily a configuration, if the monitor needs configuration or for input devices configuration read the corresponding chapter in the handbook I linked.
(EE) no screens found (EE)Fatal server error
Xinit:giving up
Xinit: unable to connect to X server:connection refused
Xinit:server error

Exactly than others drivers.The only driver that intent to load the GUI is scfb, but the scfb driver say....scfb palette 0........every time.
First please install misc/pastebinit.

We have asumed the iMac G5 (A1076) has an NVIDIA card, a GeForce FX 5200 to be exact, but there are two models with the same model number, one with said graphic chip, the other with an ATI Radeon 9600.

Please run pciconf -lv | grep -B 3 display | pastebinit and post the URL, to make sure we are dealing with the right graphic card.
I have reinstalled everything and now when I startx I get 3 empty windows open and a window with an analog clock with the updated time. When leaving this environment (alt+control+F7) I get scfb palette = 0 (as before). Otherwise, I have the same problems of before.
I have seen this problem so characteristic in another forum partner but has marked it as solved without getting it.


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When you call up startx without making a .xinitrc file FreeBSD uses twm as the default.
That is what your first screen is showing. twm(1). Tab Window Manager.
A very basic WM with 3 terminal window panes and xclock.

I can't speak to your video problem for PPC.
After you have started xorg with startx, execute command cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit from inside one of the xterm windows.

If the fonts are to small to read, press control + right klick with the mouse in one of the xterm windows, choose from the menu "VT Fonts" "Huge" or execute the command from a virtual console (alt+control+F7), post the pastebin URL.
Try starting xorg with xinit --depth 16 and xinit --depth 24. See if it makes a difference.

Inspecting Xorg.0.log you sent, you don't use a driver configuration, starting X with the build-in configuration, which chooses the scfb driver. Have you been unsuccessful with the nv(4) driver? According to the man page the NV34 chip is supported.

Have you tried the vesa driver?

I suggest try the nv driver again and send the Xorg.0.log file with pastebinit. Same with the vesa driver.
... my device is NV34M not NV34.
Right. I recalled the chip model as NV34 and didn't bother to countercheck, sorry. Did the --depth option make any difference? I'm not sure what else to suggest. If nobody else from the forum has a suggestion, you could ask in the freebsd-x11 mailing list, maybe they can help. If you ask link to this thread.
Now I have not the computer near.I can't put the command for this reason.☹️
In a few days l will do ALL the tests.
I have commented on the mather in the freebsd-x11 mailing list.
On the other hand.....🤔
I think imac g5 (A1076) has not BIOS = NO option Vesa posible.