I know I'm a nerd because....

Penel said:
I know I am a nerd because.....

I love Star Trek :)

Me too, but it started sucking when Voyager and DS9 came. First Contact is a masterpiece.
- I have an IBM 5155 'laptop' and a Olivetti M24 XT. It is forbidden to touch them.
- A fishing company uses DOS-programs I wrote in Pascal when I was 16. I still support them.
- I disabled the functions of my modem/router and do it myself with an old computer trying to defeat previous uptime records.

Does this make me a nerd?
MG said:
Me too, but it started sucking when Voyager and DS9 came. First Contact is a masterpiece.

Funny, DS9 is generally considered to be the best Star Trek series. I agree Voyager is crap though. I also disliked Enterprise but to be honest I haven't seen that many episodes, I hear it got better in the 3rd season. I have my doubts though since I think the series is fundamentally flawed and has stupid/unrealistic characters ...

The new Trek movie, meh, I think it's bending over backwards while traveling through 8 dimensions ... I would rather have they invent some new stuff instead of going back 40 years and doing that old stuff again.
Oh, and I think my last post was what is called a "point in case" regarding the original thread question ;)
I thought of another one when coming into work today. I know I'm a nerd because I know what the hesmata this dren of a sentence frelling means.

Kahplah, dokh et?

(For those who do not match me in nerd-dom, the first part is Farscape speak and the second is Klingon. IOW, you know you're a nerd when you know more words from languages made-up for sci-fi series better than any real-life foreign languages.)
Carpetsmoker said:
Funny, DS9 is generally considered to be the best Star Trek series. I agree Voyager is crap though. I also disliked Enterprise but to be honest I haven't seen that many episodes, I hear it got better in the 3rd season. I have my doubts though since I think the series is fundamentally flawed and has stupid/unrealistic characters ...

The new Trek movie, meh, I think it's bending over backwards while traveling through 8 dimensions ... I would rather have they invent some new stuff instead of going back 40 years and doing that old stuff again.

TOS and to some degree TNG. Period :D
You know you're a nerd when you start jabbering excitedly to your co-workers about some new software/hardware oddity that you've discovered and they go glassy-eyed and stare at you blankly. :)
Carpetsmoker said:
Funny, DS9 is generally considered to be the best Star Trek series. I agree Voyager is crap though. I also disliked Enterprise but to be honest I haven't seen that many episodes, I hear it got better in the 3rd season. I have my doubts though since I think the series is fundamentally flawed and has stupid/unrealistic characters ...

I'm really surprised to hear you say that DS9 is supposed to be good - I found DS9 to be the weakest of all the series by far. (It's the only one I don't own on DVD and have no plans to get.) TNG was the best IMO, followed by TOS. Voyager is next, though I haven't watched the last few seasons yet. Watched a few Enterprise episodes and some were really good, but the early ones are crap. (Just how many ways can the crew 'forget' about something that's copied from the later series??? They encountered borg before Q-Who and lived, plus the borg didn't come to assimilate us???) I heard that Rick Berman had less influence in the later seasons and this is the reason they got better, but that's just a rumor - no idea if it's true or not.

DS9 violates the very premise of star trek, namely the trek part - it's a space station, hence very little trekking. It was just way too political and PC for me. (It's like the captain of the station couldn't do anything because he was black. Something would happen and there was Cisco, much too busy being black to be of much help. I know that being black takes an awful lot of effort, but come on... ;) :OO ) The episode where NCC1701D visits and Cisco & Picard have a confrontation about Picard 'assisting the borg' at Wolf-359 was fantastic and IMO the very best of the series.

hitest said:
You know you're a nerd when you start jabbering excitedly to your co-workers about some new software/hardware oddity that you've discovered and they go glassy-eyed and stare at you blankly.

I'm familiar with that look... my boss has it when I talk to her all the time. ;)
...i have my first computer ever, Olivetti M19(XT), it's in perfect working condition. I have Atari 1040STe, i still do a bit of my music work on it, i have Olivetti Modula 200 which sits on my balcony so i can seamlessly play old DOS games.

And i love Star Trek.
And i have Intel Core Quad placed in 15 year old computer case.
And i'll never stop mourning about good'old era, when we were shivering over 1 megabyte of graphics ram, 'cause you could go SVGA in your games.
Zare said:
And i'll never stop mourning about good'old era, when we were shivering over 1 megabyte of graphics ram, 'cause you could go SVGA in your games.

That made me remember shopping for my first PC with my mom. There were to computers one had CGA and the other EGA. I picked to one with CGA because it was an XT Turbo and had a 40M HD. My mom asked me what EGA was. I said, "that means you get more colors, but who cares about colors." HA HA...good old days.
I must not be a nerd...I've never touched a server rack, though I've touched plenty of other ones... :)

Well, I figure you must be a nerd if you understand the significance of "wheel". I sure don't.
The "B" is for our Spaniard friends who always do that with "V"s

Ruler2112 said:
. . . DS9 . . . TNG . . . TOS. Voyager . . . Q-Who and lived, plus the borg . . . Cisco . . . The episode where NCC1701D . . . Cisco & Picard . . . Wolf-359

I must not be very much of a nerd, because the writing & acting for Start Wreck makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out and stop up my ears with epoxy. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is science fiction. Solaris is science fiction. Star Trek is just a bad high-seas narrative in outer space. With Bogons.
  • I bought the two Sunblade 1000's to put FreeBSD- and then OpenBSD on it.
  • Building a studio system for a friend with FreeBSD currently. There is a small possibility that OpenBSD and NetBSD may be part of the system
  • Collect books by authors such as Petronius, Huxley, Silverberg and then give them away. The process is started again.
  • Taught myself Castillan by comparison with Portuguese.

  • I listen to Brazilian and Spanish styles of Reggae, Rap, et al.
  • I'm into intellectual/artistic rap.
  • I do flagging, other construction work, and simple physical labor.
  • I grew up in the sticks and streets.
Because I have this on my back window? :e


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I know I am a nerd because I look at this and I have this mixing of wanting to cry, shouting "me too!", reading up on the details and marveling at the whole. And no question about the "what's the point?" at all.