How to write bits in EC of a laptop?

Hi, I am a new user trying to make FreeBSD my daily driver. Apparently, the only thing is now stopping me to use it as daily driver is unable to control the fan. I am using Gigabyte Aero 10th Gen Intel Core i7 with NVIDIA GTX 1660Ti card. I was surprised when everything was working fine out of the box. Currently, I am also using Fedora where I control fans through writing bits on EC using c program uses ec_sys of linux. My laptop gets pretty hot. I don't want to set limit on the CPU frequency. I came to conclusion that my laptop's fans cannot be controlled through ACPI(or I am not capable of). I explored and tried all possible solution such as Arch's documentation or any other code regarding fan control. I hope I will not be disappointment in this forum. Thank you for the time and consideration.
Thank you for your reply. It has pre-defined fan curve settings like normal, gaming, quiet etc. I need to turn on a profile based on what I am working for, e.g., I set it to gaming when I am compiling code or rendering video. But I set it to normal other times, as it sounds like a jet engine. Currently, I do this by changing a bit on EC.
Yeah, this requires mailing the freebsd-acpi list.

The mechanism for this looks dead simple (basically peek+poke into mapped memory).

hi cracauer@ , could you please elaborate it a bit more? the problem I have is the same as freebsd_user has -- I need to ( hopefully programmatically ) influence the front-fan in my HP Z420 machine.
According to dmidecode, the address of the FRNTFAN is 0x0037. What can one do with this knowledge? How can I ( where to read about it? ) change the value residing at this address?
Is there a cli that would allow me to do this, or should I use a lib ( which one? ) to be able to read/write from such an address?

best regards,
IMPORTANT (update and correction for the parent post):
I was surprised when everything was working fine out of the box.
I apologize for the premature assumption without testing properly.

I decided to give BSD one last chance for my laptop, and I have been using FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p3 for about 15–20 days. Unfortunately, I was having a really hard time with Intel UHD, NVIDIA, Audio, Ethernet, Brightness control etc. Nothing worked out of the box. For Linux, these laptop exhibits remarkable performance out of the box.
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I think I am sort of addicted to FreeBSD, couldn't leave her alone. Although, I was truly frustrated when nothing was working. So far, I have managed to work with all except Bluetooth connection. I will try to create a tutorial once I am done with the basic stuff.
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