How can I use the DVD ISO image to install pre-built packages?

I'm new in FreeBSD.
I used virtualbox to install FreeBSD 10.1. When I logged in as root, I typed bsdconfig to install some pre-built packages in the DVD ISO image. I chose "3 packages", and the next step "CD/DVD", and "ISO9660 file system" with the ISO image name in front, and then I got the error message:
pkg file///dist/packages/freebsd_10_amd64/meta.xz no such file or directory
(the other 2 are packagesite.xz etc)
It seemed the system couldn't read the ISO or find the correct path.
In this meaning, the DVD ISO image has no use with more than 1.6G pre-built packages! (I checked the directory, there is a "ALL" directory containing more than 1.6G pre-built packages)

Could sb somebody tell me how to install packages from the DVD images?
THX Thanks a lot!


  • 错误.PNG
    25.4 KB · Views: 491
I would suggest not using any of the packages that come with the CD or DVD. By the time you get to install them they will be old and will need to be updated. Might as well install the new ones right from the start.
I would suggest not using any of the packages that come with the CD or DVD. By the time you get to install them they will be old and will need to be updated. Might as well install the new ones right from the start.

Thanks for replying. But it takes a long time to install from network, and I don't think I need the latest version of the packages. Is there a way to install them from DVD?


  • errorMSG.PNG
    13.3 KB · Views: 274
Based on the errata notes, try this with one small addition.
# mkdir -p /dist
# mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /dist
# mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
# echo "FreeBSD: { enabled: no }" > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf
# pkg bootstrap
# pkg install xorg-server

The reason for this is the path shown in the screen shot refers to the FreeBSD:10:amd64 path while the path on the DVD is freebsd:10:x86:64. It would appear a newer version of ports-mgmt/pkg got installed from the public repository than the version on the DVD. The path change where packages get installed from was one of the changes in recent versions. When you are done, please rm /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf.

With that, as mentioned by SirDice the packages are all going to be outdated. I can understand if you are looking for a consistent set of packages without the wait for repeated testing purposes in that VM environment. Just be warned that the packages are outdated and you would be better off using the most current versions if you are going to use it on anything web facing.