[Help 7.2] FreeBSD 7.2


My english is very bad , but I need help!

I'm that: login - [CMD="sysinstall"][/CMD] - Configure - Distributions - [X] ports - [ OK ] - FTP(Germany:\) - Extracting ports into /usr directory...

than after some minutes it's aborted and I can see this:

[ ] ports

what I'm doing wrong? :(
If you have Internet connectivity, portsnap should work just fine.
You didn't mention what went wrong the first time. The tree's 40+ MBs so it might take a while to download. Did you make sure it's not corrupt (md5/sha256)?

IgorGlock said:
can you say me the CMD? :f
because that's wouldn't work: fetch portsnap :)
It's an application in the base system. Read its man page.