Fully functional 4.10 desktop without HAL through devd?

Is it possible? I am not a kernel programmer nor do I have any knowledge of the kernel internals but I know C fairly well (actually, I know C, that says it all to me) and have some experience with program design. But I've never ported an application before so if there's any project out there working with integrating devd to HAL please let me know and I'll see if I can help!
You mean KDE 4.10 here, don't you? I am also curious whether a HAL-free install has any drawbacks but have never tried it myself.
vanessa said:
You mean KDE 4.10 here, don't you? I am also curious whether a HAL-free install has any drawbacks but have never tried it myself.
Looking at the title, OP means XFCE, not KDE.
vlkmslf said:
Is it possible? I am not a kernel programmer nor do I have any knowledge of the kernel internals but I know C fairly well (actually, I know C, that says it all to me) and have some experience with program design. But I've never ported an application before so if there's any project out there working with integrating devd to HAL please let me know and I'll see if I can help!

devd can be accessible from unix socket. I don't know enough C, but you can write simple client. Then use GLib functions (GLib and GIO especially this one). Thunar can monitor new files system.

We don't need all functionnalities of gudev.
Thanks for all the answers. Right now I'm waiting for FreeBSD to be able to boot my UEFI laptop. Until then I will use Arch Linux and Xfce 4 (4.10).