FreeBSD timezone change and the 'touch' command

After updating the timezone - the date command and log files shows correct time, but when I run the touch command for any file - its date becomes incorrect (such as before timezone change)

How can I fix this without rebooting the system?
Thanks, but it does not help. FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE amd64, misc/zoneinfo is installed and configured. I cannot reboot my working hosting system to fix it.

New files and folders take date from old timezone. File /etc/wall_cmos_clock is present. Trying to remove it does not solve this problem.
Not related but you should really update your system. FreeBSD 8.2 should be at p5, which means you are missing quite a few security patches.
Well, time zone isn't stored with the file in any way, so some userland program is interfering with you. Dumb question: have you actually closed your shell, and then re-authenticated / opened a new shell after the TZ change?
My shell is 'zsh'. Re-authentication did not help, but the problem solved after reinstalling this shell