FreeBSD 8.0 Reboot Issue

Once I reboot or issue reboot command the screen goes blank and there is an indefinite wait ...till I manually press the reset button. What should I do..

Anyone Please help.

Probably in /var/run/dmesg.boot ([cmd=]grep -i acpi /var/run/dmesg.boot[/cmd]), or try looking in /var/log/messages after a short push of the power button (which should normally trigger a clean shutdown). You can also update your BIOS, which may have an old or incomplete ACPI implementation.

If I do update the BIOS would it mess up my other operating systems? I have a multiboot PC.

I'm not DutchDaemon, can I answer your question?

No, BIOS update will not mess up your other operating systems.
I do not know about MS Windows, haven't had it since 2003. If you have Windows it may require (or may not) reactivation.
AFAIK bpappan is having problems with reboot, shutdown works. I know there is a bunch of code in Linux kernel to deal with buggy BIOS'es which won't reboot. OP's BIOS probably has a quirk which is not handled by FreeBSD kernel, thus, upgrading BIOS sounds like good idea.

Thanks a lot. I upgraded the BIOS and now everything's working fine. Thanks once again
I would consider this thread as closed