bhyve FreeBSD 13.1: bhyve guests not booting

I'm fairly new to bhyve, and just need some pointers on troubleshooting (I Hope). I'm trying to set-up a first guest machine using this guide. All seems well, no error messages. However, when trying to boot a guest, a vm list states it as " stopped".
daniel@FreeBSD:~$ doas vm install win2019 /zroot/bhyve/win2019.iso
Starting win2019
  * found guest in /zroot/bhyve/win2019
  * booting...
daniel@FreeBSD:~$ doas vm list
win2019  default    uefi    2    8G      -    No    Stopped
winxp    default    uefi    2    8G      -    No    Stopped

I've searched for ways to troubleshoot, or maybe log files where I can see what happens, but haven't been able to find anything. Also the vm command doesn't seem to have a verbose output? Any idea on where I can see what goes wrong?
…maybe there's no anwere so far because no-one wants to review a third party guide and its promoted "script for the impatient" first.

I'm curious: A) Why didn't you go with the basic, official documentation - the handbook - for installing FreeBSD and setting up Windows on bhyve? And B) Why didn't you just ask the person with best knowledge about the used guide: the person who wrote it (on the bottom there's a form)?

I'm going to bet you created that VM with a FreeBSD template.
…maybe there's no anwere so far because no-one wants to review a third party guide and its promoted "script for the impatient" first.

I'm curious: A) Why didn't you go with the basic, official documentation - the handbook - for installing FreeBSD and setting up Windows on bhyve? And B) Why didn't you just ask the person with best knowledge about the used guide: the person who wrote it (on the bottom there's a form)?
I'm not asking anyone to review that script. When looking at the FreeBSD handbook, it seems rather daunting for a beginner. Now, since I'm no stranger to troubleshooting, searching for answers, and finding things out myself, my question was, simply, where can I find log files, or a verbose output, to start investigate what goes wrong. That's all I asked for: some pointers.

please post your /zroot/bhyve/win2019/vm-bhyve.log

This is something I can work with, a simple log (which I didn't find myself while investigating. need to check when I get home) Thanks for that.
If you used sysutils/vm-bhyve (it looks like you did), logs are in the same directory as the VM's files.

dice@hosaka:~ % ll /vm/
total 61
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   4 Mar  9  2022 .config/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   2 Apr 15  2019 .img/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   9 Jul 13 17:16 .iso/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  10 Mar 26  2022 .templates/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   6 Sep 26 21:56 case/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   4 Jan  6  2018 images/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   6 Sep 26 21:56 jenkins/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   4 Aug 10 22:19 kdc/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   6 Sep 26 21:56 lady3jane/
dice@hosaka:~ %
dice@hosaka:~ % ll /vm/case/
total 62
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     249 Nov 23  2018 case.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel      23 Sep 26 21:56 console
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel      20 Sep 26 21:56 run.lock
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  184523 Sep 26 21:56 vm-bhyve.log
I very rarely ask for help, only in those cases when: A) I Really need it to work, or B) I Can't stand it that I don't know.

So, a lazy sunday afternoon. Fairly contempt with FreeBSD on my desktop and laptop, however, I'm not able to use Obsidian, or watch iTV due to DRM plugins missing. "Let's see if we can get that bhyve thing working. This guide looks promising, let's have a try." Didn't work on my desktop. Tried a reboot, didn't help, checked the guide to see if I missed anything. Nope.
OK, On to my laptop then. maybe it's just the desktop. Follow the same guide, no errors, all seems OK, but, the same issue, machines seem to be starting, but get stopped immediately.
Do we have some error logs? No, not in /var/log. OK, can I start this verbose to see what happens? No, doesn't seem like it. Let's search then. Searching for " BHyve guests not booting" is too generic. so let's search for troubleshooting, nothing. Although I now see that some Linux distro's use BHyve as well, so let's narrow the search to FreeBSD BHyve: Error logs, nope, verbose, nope, logging, nope, log location, nope. Looked at most pages which might seem related, to perhaps point me in a direction, but nothing. Not even the handbook. Let's ask the FreeBSD forum, take a break, eat something, and then return.
Looking at the handbook, this is just a bit more comprehensive. Let's see... OK, that works, great! But, I still don't have any error logs, so let's keep that forum post open. Meanwhile let's see if we can get a bridge from wlan to tap10 working (nope) or PCI passthrough working (also nope).

Well, I now learned that wlan won't work OOTB, since AP's don't hand out 2 connections to 1 MAC address, only PCI passthrough is something I need to look in to.

If you've come this far, I know it's off-topic. But, I just wanted to give an insight on how things work for some people. I'm glad there are people around to help, people who take the time to answer questions, even if they have been asked many times before. But, there are people who figure things out themselves, who do search, and look at everything even remotely related. (Or at least they try to). So when I explicitly ask for just some pointers, some help in the direction of troubleshooting, it doesn't help if you assume I wanted a "script for the impatient", and tell me "to read the Handbook" if you didn't even read my question first.

Now, I'm not mad, absolutely far from it, again, I think it's great that people around here try to help as much as possible.
OK, Rant over. SirDice rootbert and jmos thanks for your time and effort. We're all good as far as I'm concerned.
Well, I now learned that wlan won't work OOTB, since AP's don't hand out 2 connections to 1 MAC address, only PCI passthrough is something I need to look in to.
You need to setup NAT if you are using a wireless NIC. Bridging mode will only work for ethernet NIC.

Anyways, NAT isn't terribly hard to setup with either IPFW or pf and the process to do so is explained on the handbook for both firewalls, possibly even for IPF (I've never used IPF).