Xfce dimming screen on AC disconnect

Simple issue, like in the title, except I have no idea where it's coming from. Xfce4-power-manager-settings doesn't have any "on disconnect" option.
Also when I plug AC back in, the screen goes to around 80% brightness, after that I need to run:
backlight -f /dev/backlight/intel_backlight0 <ANY NUMBER>
backlight -f /dev/backlight/intel_backlight0 100

Setting the brightness straight up to 100 just doesn't do anything, that's why I first set it to some number and then to 100% (wtf??).
My laptop is the HP folio 1040 G1
A good place to start is the devd man page. You can add these commands to the AC connect and disconnect handlers.
The problem may be that you get a state change event, not a state level event. Meaning, you get the event when the AC is plugged in or out, but you may need some script code in /etc/rc.local to set the start condition.
I probably phrased the question wrong but what I meant is that xfce is dimming the screen automatically on ac disconnect and I am trying to get rid off that.
pkg install xbacklight
xbacklight -set 100

My old BIOS:


Known issue:

You could run backlight in your startup shell script or desktop autostart.