Crazy trackpad on my laptop

I'm using FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE on my old laptop (HP EliteBook 820 G1). In overall, everything is working fine.

My WM is I3, suspend/wake-up works well, all good. It does its job.

The laptop has a trackpoint, a trackpad and 4 buttons as you can see here.

The trackpad has a weird behavior. It works fine the first couple of minutes I started X Window, and then, for some reasons that I can't figure out, it goes crazy.
By crazy, I mean that as soon as I touch the trackpad, the mouse goes randomly everywhere on the screen and do some random clicks as well.
Basically, the trackpad is unusable and I can only use the trackpoint.

What can I do to try to fix that?

Do you have anything related to xkbset(1) at startup, for example in a .xinirc? If yes, settings can expire depending on the configuration. Then please look for "expire" in the man page.
No, my .xinitrc is:

exec ssh-agent dbus-launch --csh-syntax --exit-with-session i3

This thing is getting me crazy!
What about moused, if that is still a thing? What does .xsession-errors or dmesg say to this?
I just disabled moused and it seems that so far it's working fine. I'll let you know within a few days if this has fixed the issue.

What about moused, if that is still a thing? What does .xsession-errors or dmesg say to this?
It just did it again :(

I was browsing in firefox when it started. I don't know where to look for log, it seems that there is nothing relevant about this.

The moused service is disabled as you said, so I guess this is not the issue.

It's very hard to debug such issue that appears randomly :(

Any other clue?
No, no ... the laptop is almost brand new and it happens quite randomly. Sometimes I can use the trackpad for an hour, sometimes for 2 minutes.

What else should I check?

Could it be something with libinput and xorg ?
I found this article:

Then I removed the package: xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1_8 and restarted.

After restarting things were the same... and after a couple of minutes, the bug appeared again, but this time, I found something in the log: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, find it attached.

The relevant part is in the bottom of the file:

[ 71047.026] (EE) event5 - SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded. See for details


  • Xorg.0.log.txt
    33.3 KB · Views: 115
I have the same laptop which had the exact same issue with its trackpad.

I used Ubuntu 14.04 back then. And after several minutes of trackpad use the mouse pointer would go bonkers. I tried a few things (which I don't remember anymore) to solve the issue but none of them really worked.
As I also had Win7 on this machine I was able to confirm that this trackpad issue was also happening there while using all the recommended drivers from the HP homepage.

Finally, I was quite sure that this might be a hardware issue and opened a warranty case with HP. They picked up the laptop swapped the trackpad and I never had any problem with my EliteBook 820 G1 afterwards. In fact it still is my daily driver (although, I never used any BSD on it 😅).

I'm afraid your issue might not be solvable in software.