Solved Chuwi Corebook X (2023 version) compatible with FreeBSD 13.2

Hello everyone,

Just to add a recent laptop pretty compatible to the list.
I bought a chuwi Corebook X (2023), sort of cheap Airbook, with i3-1215U from intel and was very surprised when I plugged my NomadBSD dongle.
It works !
- Graphics ok
- Touchpad ok
- Webcam ok
- sound ok
- microphone ok
- wifi shows the networks, but right now, have some difficulties to catch. (but I don't use wifi so much).
- no bluetooth (as usual).

Nearly every computer from chuwi are compatible with FreeBSD... That's amazing.
I sent a hw-probe to, specs should be posted soon.
It's like Sleeping Beauty... without charming prince...🤣.
Can not wake it up after.. need to poweroff.