Solved Bosch Sensortec BME280 - IIC

I have old Raspberry Pi 2 v1.1 and FreeBSD 12.2 - RELEASE installed on it.
# uname -a
12.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE r366954 GENERIC  arm

And I wanted to do some tests with a BME280 temperature sensor connected to I2C.

OS has detected sensor at address 0x76
# i2c -sv
dev: /dev/iic0, addr: 0x0, r/w: r, offset: 0x00, width: 8, count: 1
Hardware may not support START/STOP scanning; trying less-reliable read method.
Scanning I2C devices on /dev/iic0: 76

I founded BME280 driver from Bosch:

I have compiled it successfully:
# make bsd
cc bsd_userspace.c ../bme280.c -I ../ -o bme280

But at the time of executing it gives me an error:
# ./bme280 /dev/iic0 
Failed to initialize the device (code -2).

I also understand that Python smbus module is not available in FreeBSD, right?

Has anyone had experience with the sensor BME280 or with I2C?

Best regards,
Some of those sensors are Chinese knock-offs which actually use a different address and are in reality bmp280s. Perhaps this is the case.
The error you're encountering is BME280_E_DEV_NOT_FOUND which is triggered if it can't find the correct id for the chip.
Obviously you've checked the device is in the /dev tree?
I can't recall the alternate address - either 0x77 or 0x78.
Hello mark_j,
This is case.
Yesterday I found that my sensor has ID 0x58
BME280 - have ID 0x60
BMP280 - have ID 0x57 or 0x58
My sensor is BME280 but from AliExpress and have ID 0x58.

In the C code of BME280 driver from Bosch I changed constant BME280_CHIP_ID = 0x60 to BME280_CHIP_ID = 0x58 and my sensor started to work.

# ./bme280 /dev/iic0
Temperature, Pressure, Humidity
27.84 deg C, 944.18 hPa, 0.00%
27.84 deg C, 944.17 hPa, 0.00%
27.84 deg C, 944.17 hPa, 0.00%
27.84 deg C, 944.17 hPa, 0.00%
27.84 deg C, 944.17 hPa, 0.00%
27.84 deg C, 944.17 hPa, 0.00%
27.84 deg C, 944.16 hPa, 0.00%

The only thing that the temperature is not correct.
At the moment I do not know if it is a sensor failure or I have to adapt the C code.
Most likely. I don't have time to look at the code at present (it's late night here) but perhaps take a look at this Code. It deals with the Arduino but it also uses i2c. You could also look-up Adafruit's library for BMP280s. Sorry I couldn't help more at the moment.
I do a little summary, maybe someone will find it useful.
BME280 - have ID 0x60
BMP280 - have ID 0x57 or 0x58
My sensor look like in the attached pic, and seller said it is BME280.
But ID of my sensor is 0x58. And I think mark_j had the same experience.
In the C code of BoschBME280_driver I changed constant BME280_CHIP_ID = 0x60 to BME280_CHIP_ID = 0x58 in file bme280_defs.h
And examples on C code have started to work.


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