Advantage 360 pro + BLE

good morning, nice freeBSD community.

I need a bit of help in resolving a connectivity issue.

the context:
1. an Advantage 360 pro keyboard that speaks BLE
2. a desktop with FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p2 GENERIC amd64
3. the keyboard can be seen via hccontrol

doas hccontrol le_enable enable
doas hccontrol le_set_scan_enable enable
doas hccontrol read_neighbor_cache
doas hccontrol le_set_scan_enable disable

... shows:

R 77:b5:c6:c8:d2:5a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00            0      0xbf         0
    Complete local name: Adv360 Pro
    Appearance: c1 03
    Flags: 06
    Incomplete list of service class UUIDs (16-bit): 12 18 0f 18

At this step I am stuck -- have no idea what to do next.
Ultimately I need to bind the keyboard to the host.

Any ideas/links/questions/suggestions are greatly appreciated!

best regards,