Adding 4th HDD to PC Tower internal totally blocks rootfs boot.

I inherited a PC tower that was already built with a single HDD installed running Windows 10 with permission to essentially do whatever I could with it as long as I do not delete the Windows 10 or any of the user content on there. This person also had all sorts of drives, cables, etc (everything to do all kinds of wired and some wireless setups). I found 3 healthy HDD's, and started to set them up one at a time according to the following set up:

Motherboard: ASUS Z170-DELUX Rev 1.xx

The tower can fit at least 5 HDD's without any external casing or cabling.

[BSD devname] Brand SIZE SATA port num filesystem mount point
ada0 Micron M_500 _MTFDDAK960MAV 1TB EXPRESS NTFS? C: [The default windows I cannot touch]
ada1 Seagate 250GB 1 UFS /
ada2 Seagate 500GB 2 UFS /usr
ada3 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A

FreeBSD: $ uname -a
13.1-RELEASE releng/13.1 GENERIC amd64

When I first set the FreeBSD system up, I only did a pretty basic install on the second disk, with only the first 2 connected. I then plugged the third
disk in, created a single UFS partition on it, and rebooted into the FreeBSD Single User to copy /usr onto the disk and set its to mount at boot:
# mount -w /
# mkdir /usr0
# mount -w /dev/ada2 /usr0
# cp -RpP /usr/* /usr0

And added the following line to /etc/fstab:
/dev/ada2p1 /usr ufs rw 2 2

That worked fine, the system properly mounts both drives and I've been able to install some ports and have them persist, run and everything go normal. I found a fourth disk that was another four or 500 GB that I wanted to use for /usr/home, but when I just try to boot FreeBSD with a fourth disk in, I get a mount root error(number 19 or 22?) about it being unable to find the proper media to boot from. I have tried:
  • Using different drives, but that still causes the error
  • Testing whatever drive I'm trying to use beforehand on another system, but they've come up healthy.
  • Replacing the (non power) SATA cable but that does not seem to fix the error
  • Re-reading the manual on the motherboard multiple times and checking the motherboard diagram to make sure
    the cables are plugged in the right order for the sata ports, and I cannot see any other cable ordering.
NOTE: I cannot try to replace the power cable for the last drive because all of the plugs are chained in one long strand from the power supply in the bottom the tower.

I really don't understand what about having that fourth disk is destabilizing the system. It's plugged into Sata port 3, and it never seems to come up before the other disks. Short of there being something wrong with either the wires, the order/way they're plugged in, or a boot setting I have totally exhausted my own ideas.