A Call for FreeBSD Artwork

From this site,


I have converted this 1024x768 wallpaper jpg file to a 1024x768 splash bmp file, below



  • clarowallpp.tgz
    79 KB · Views: 495
I used to be in the habit of using splash screens, but honestly. i386 only?

As long as this is not addressed there is no real need for them in my opinion.
grok unspice? ungrok unspicegirl?

epoxy said:
Sooo... you all restart your FreeBSD boxes huh??!!? :r :e
Well, technically, I try to take the battery out (cos I'm like a raccoon when I drink) and I get a free reboot. But I like text a lot better'n some goofy BDSM thing, so I heartly ungrok the urge to "spice it up".
finally after about 5 hours or nonstop work.
Where's what i came up with :D
I hope nobody have done this, before me, or I'll go nuts...
It still needs improvements.... I will post my final work later....

Se here it is:
May i introduce to you old-new Beastie

Yup, i made it svg...
I hope i will make it look better by adding more colors (making it look more like 3d)
I hope you already like it so far :D

i think it's also it's worth to mention, that i did it with inkscape using touchpad (no mouse)

Image removed

OK, here's my own 1st wallpaper

currently available on my homepage @ 1280x1024 & 1280x800, hope you like it

Feedback appreciated
What's wrong with having an ASCII boot manager?
Less boilerplate - less things that might go wrong.
But it really should have ANSI color :)
And who cares about a boot-screen you will probably see as often as 1 time in ~12 months anyways? :OOO

The effort would be better put into styling up sysinstall, which is the "first impression" most users will ever see.
killasmurf86: you rule !

will you release the .svg or at least give permission to others to modify it and use it?
Thank you, gnemmi

I'm not sure, yet, i would like to, but It all comes down to

I kinda can't give any permission (at least that's how i understand it).
Right now i'm waiting replay from Marshall Kirk McKusick, to know if I need permission for each wallpaper or not.
Then I'll ask if i can release svg
I've already send him a copy of svg files

tomorrow i will add more different sizes of this wallpaper (on my homepage)
I am disabling access to my FreeBSD Wallpaper site until I receive a replay from Marshall Kirk McKusick. Hopefully it will be soon.
killasmurf86 said:
Thank you, gnemmi

You're welcome !
It's people like Daniel Seuffert, Peer Schaefer, Manolis Kiagias, rbelk, you and the countless others who make things happen !
Now, thanks to your hard work, there's an old-new Beastie in .svg format !

... and .. BTW .. 5 hours of nonstop work on inkscape is something that deserves to be recongnized :)

killasmurf86 said:
I'm not sure, yet, i would like to, but It all comes down to

I kinda can't give any permission (at least that's how i understand it).

Sure thing .. I can completely understand that.

killasmurf86 said:
Right now i'm waiting replay from Marshall Kirk McKusick, to know if I need permission for each wallpaper or not.

I trust he will ... he's a highly reasonable and sensible person.

killasmurf86 said:
Then I'll ask if i can release svg
I've already send him a copy of svg files

tomorrow i will add more different sizes of this wallpaper (on my homepage)

I'll be waiting then :)

Thanks once again for your hard work :D
An update on my Wallpaper Site

I just received a reply from Marshall Kirk McKusick. He wants to look at what I am offering on my Picasa FreeBSD Web Album. So, the site is back up, hopefully permanently. I will post what Mr. McKusick decides, I believe he will not mind the site. I did add that he was the copyright holder of the BSD Daemon and a link to his copyright page on the top right hand side of the page.
Good News:
I have permission to publish beastie svg

Bad News:
You will have to wait until i fix my FreeBSD fox (i have depression, bad mood etc... etc...)
It might take a while (few days) before i get enthusiastic again....

Anyway, I'm happy that I can share my work (You all just need to wait a bit)