
  1. S

    ZFS 11.0p9 vs. 10.0p18 - Expected differences?

    All, Notably compression may be handled differently between the two, however wanted to know if anyone has reference or opinion as to whether one would expect these two issues that I've noticed: 1) difference in "consumption" and 2) constant creeping into swap space. * consumption * Noticed...
  2. S

    High Wired memory usage !!

    Hi, We've 96 GB memory and I can see that 76 GB is wired and there's also total ARC 69 GB already occupied. My question is, if FreeBSD requires additional memory for processes will wired/ARC release the memory for FreeBSD usage to prevent swap usage? Since 12 GB is only free. Will OS start...
  3. pentago

    How to find out what is using swap on FreeBSD?

    I'm trying to pinpoint what process(es) is eating swap on my FreeBSD server. I can only see how much is being used (top) but not what process is swapping its guts out. I tried searching Google for this but didn't find anything. Is there a way to display list of swapped data by process...