
  1. K

    jails mpsutils in a jail

    Hello everyone, some one know if is possible using mpsutils in a jail? if i try in a jail with release13.2: root@services:~ # mpsutil show all Adapter: mpsutil: mps_open: No such file or directory Devices: mpsutil: mps_open: No such file or directory Enclosures: mpsutil: mps_open: No such file...
  2. B

    Rename devfs device and access renamed device in a jail

    Is there a way to rename a device (e.g. using devfs rules) within /dev (e.g. rename /dev/cuaU0 -> /dev/zigbee) or create a second node that points to the same piece of hardware (i.e. both /dev/cuaU0 and /dev/zigbee refer to the same device)? I would like to pass a custom named device (e.g...
  3. S

    pkg in jail not working

    Need help: I have just created a new jail 'ha' with 'iocage' on a new FreeBSD 14.0-REALEASE maschine (metal): iocage create -r 14.0-RELEASE --name ha ip4_addr="em0|" Everything worked as expected. Now I want to install some packages inside the jail. No chance: root@ha:~ # pkg...
  4. G

    Bastille and Ubuntu debootstrap, run with systemd

    Hi, I just trying to run Ubuntu jail via Bastille but need to do it with systemd to use with snap. root@ubuntu:/# systemctl System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Read step by step by this tutorial, except last package install. root@ubuntu:/# apt-get...
  5. F

    jails What about creating a jail automatically when installing a package?

    While discovering FreeBSD, jails & related management tools (ezjail, bastille, pot, etc) there is something I can't figure out: Why not give pkg the ability to actually create the jail that will contain the packages we install? something like pkg -cj webserverjail install nginx...
  6. uchman

    Solved slow network speeds with jail (and vnet) on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE

    I upgraded my home server to FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE yesterday and since then i'm experiencing really slow speeds to my jails (bhyve guests are not affected). I use iocage and vm to handle my jails and here is a sample from ifconfig: em0...
  7. M

    jails Issue while following the handbook to create a Thin Jail using NullFS

    I am trying to create my first Jail, my host system is FreeBSD 13.2 and uses UFS. I am aiming to create thin jails for my workstation as my disk space is limited. It is my understanding that Chapter 17 of the Handbook, that covers the manual creation of Jails covers this case. I include the...
  8. F

    jails How do I run jailed services with nomad?

    I am new to FreeBSD & jails. I am aware that using a tool like sysutils/pot would probably do what I wanna do but my goal is to learn before picking one of those. I have created a set of thin jail using ZFS snapshots...
  9. P

    jails Conflict on TUN interfaces between different jails

    I have two separate jails that are not visible to each other. There is no sharing of tun* interfaces in the devfs.rules. However, when I create the tun0 interface in Jail 1, I encounter difficulties creating the same interface, tun0, in Jail 2. Upon attempting, I receive a message indicating...
  10. dnb

    jails Moving jail between computers with different CPU architectures

    I have a jail that I would like to run on different computers with different CPU architectures. For example, on one computer it is an old Intel Haswell, and on another it is an AMD EPYC 7003. First, this Jail is compiled from source on an AMD EPYC 7003 computer. Secondly, it contains many C++...
  11. D-FENS

    Solved How to set environment variables inside a "jexec" call?

    I would like to call a command inside a jail using jexec while setting environment variables for that particular call. In a shell inside the jail I would call: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin ./kc.sh show-config How can I trigger this call outside of the jail? I tried...
  12. freezr

    jails Bastille: how to delete old bootstraps?

    Dear All, I am writing some personal documentation but I lost some notes about Bastille, and even looking at the history of the commands I can't find them, and perhaps you could help me. I remember that I had an issue cause bootstrapping from a version to a newer one filled my limited storage...
  13. D

    bhyve FreeBSD bhyve installation = can't find hostid/entropy

    Operating System OS: FreeBSD-13.2-R2 FreeBSD Crystal 13.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p2 releng/13.2-n254627-4341433a673f GENERIC amd64 Issue: Any FreeBSD ISO image when attempting to install bHyve from a jail result in the following result. Original this was within a Jail, but can...
  14. cgenie

    pf.conf for VPN inside jails

    Hello, I have trouble setting up pf.conf so that from inside a jail I can access my VPN network. I'm using Bastille and I have something like this in the pf.conf file: bastille_if="bastille0" ext_if="vtnet0" vpn_if="tun1" my_jail_addr= my_vpn_addr= set skip on lo #set...
  15. K

    PF Two nginx instances running; eliminate one with PF?

    I've a FreeBSD box, nginx running as a proxy, forwarding HTTP/HTTPS requests to the nginx instance in the Jail, running on within the OS. So, that practically means two nginx instances running on the server. I wonder if I could forward the 80/443 port requests DIRECTLY to the nginx in...
  16. K

    jails Jail startup sequence on Pot?

    Hello there. I'm using Pot (jail management tool) under FreeBSD, I cannot find jail startup sequence configuration in it. With raw, home-made Jails created by jail.conf, I had jail_list="sqljail phpjail webjail" and jail_reverse_stop="YES" in my rc.conf, however how to configure these in Pot...
  17. B

    25G in a jail or bhyve

    Is there a way to get the full line speed of the NIC in a jail or bhyve ? I have a server with a mlx5en(4) NIC, a Mellanox ConnectX-4 Lx 2x25G. I would like to setup it as a router and provide a wan for the internal vms /jails and others machines. Unfortunately there is an issue using SRV-IO...
  18. G

    jails Jail and VM host: new to FreeBSD

    I am not a sysadmin. I have used Linux for a long time and have run multiple servers but I am new to BSD. I have little experience of running containers or VM hosts. I have been running one VM host server (using Proxmox) and some desktop VMs (using Virtmanager) and containerising some desktop...
  19. DtxdF

    Install WordPress With Appjail Director

    What Are AppJail and AppJail Director? AppJail is a framework that provides preconfigured and self-contained applications, frameworks and software stacks, such as WordPress. Using this tool we will have a package installed inside a jail, a lightweight and isolated environment with any custom...
  20. L

    ssh connect and jails

    Hello everyone! can anyone help me with the following problem i have. I have two jails with Ubuntu and Alpine Linux, everything works fine, but I can't ssh into them. In other jail with FreeBSD I can connect I will mention that the ssh service is started, but it doesn't work when I try: ssh...